Family Kick-Off Night!
This year, we will be hosting a family kick-off night on Wednesday, September 4 from 6:25-8 pm. All are welcome to share dessert and fellowship with us. Clubbers will then meet their leaders and getting acquainted, opening Scripture together, and playing games. Adults will meet in the sanctuary to learn about AWANA and the roles of an AWANA parent and clubber. We hope this proves useful as we all engage with our children on their journeys of faith this year.
What's New?
Important Information
All necessary club handbooks and uniforms will be provided free of charge.
If, however, a Clubber loses their book, it will be $10 to replace. Uniforms are earned through book completion. If a replacement uniform is needed,
it will be $15.
Every clubber needs to be registered prior to attending AWANA. Click the button at the top of the page to register.